Microsoft Excel – Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Tables

Welcome to “Microsoft Excel – Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Tables,” a comprehensive and free video course hosted on “” This educational course is designed to empower learners with essential data analysis skills, enabling them to unlock the true potential of Microsoft Excel for Microsoft Excel – Data Analysis insightful decision-making and problem-solving.

You will obtain an extensive knowledge of data analysis using Excel from Microsoft by completing this course, which is made up of over 30 hours of interesting video content. We’ll walk you through Excel Pivot Tables’ nuances step-by-step so you can effectively organize, review and analyze data. You will be able to produce meaningful reports, make data-driven decisions, and successfully convey complicated information by the end of the course.

Regardless of your skill level, this course accommodates both beginners and intermediate learners. The course structure ensures a seamless learning journey, starting with the fundamentals and gradually progressing to more advanced concepts. The active voice and educational tone maintain an engaging atmosphere, making learning an enjoyable and effective experience.

Accessing this free course is simple and hassle-free! Head over to our website, “,” and navigate to the dedicated course page. There, you will find all the video lessons readily available, empowering you to embark on your data analysis journey right away. Excel at data analysis, Excel at decision-making, and Excel in your career with our comprehensive free course on Microsoft Excel – Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Tables. Enroll now and unlock the full potential of Excel for data-driven success.

What you’ll learn:

  • Take your data analysis skills from ZERO to PRO with Excel Pivot Tables
  • Learn how to use Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts to streamline and revolutionize your workflow in Excel
  • Master unique Pivot Table tips, tools, and case studies that you won’t find in ANY other course, guaranteed
  • Explore fun, interactive, and highly effective lessons from a best-selling Excel instructor
  • Get LIFETIME access to project files, quizzes, homework exercises, and 1-on-1 expert support
  • Test your skills with 10 real-world Pivot Table case studies (weather, shark attacks, wine tastings, burrito ratings, and more!)

Course content of Microsoft Excel – Data Analysis

1. Getting Started

  • Course Structure & Outline
  • READ ME: Important Notes for New Students
  • DOWNLOAD: Course Resources
  • Getting to Know the IMDb Movie Database
  • Settingkxpectations
  • In this lecture, I’ll outline some key assumptions and
  • expectations to keep in mind before diving in.

2. Excel Pivot Table 101

  • Why Pivot Tables?
  • Structuring Source Data for Analysis in Excel
  • Creating Your First Pivot Table
  • IMPORTANT: Add to Data Model
  • Navigating the Pivot Table Field List
  • KNOWLEDGE CHECK: Manipulating the Pivot Table Field List
  • Exploring Pivot Table Analyze & Design Options
  • Selecting, Clearing, Moving & Copying Pivot Tables
  • Refreshing & Updating Pivot Tables v
  • PRO TIP: Dealing with Growing Source Data
  • Removing & Reviving Data from the Pivot Table Cache
  • PRO TIP: How Excel Pivot Tables ACTUALLY Work
  • QUIZ: Excel Pivot Table 101
  • HOMEWORK: Excel Pivot Table 101

3. Formatting Data with Pivot Tables

  • Changing Pivot Table Number Formats
  • PRO TIP: Formatting Empty Pivot Table Cells
  • Configuring Pivot Table Layouts & Styles
  • PRO TIP: Using Tabular Pivot Tables to Create New Source Data
  • Customizing Pivot Table Headers & Labels
  • Applying Basic Conditional Formats to Pivot Tables
  • PRO TIP: Adding Data Bars with Invisible Text
  • App_lyjng Advanced Conditional Formats to Pivot Tables
  • QUIZ: Excel Pivot Table Formatting
  • HOMEWORK: Excel Pivot Table Formatting

4. Sorting, Filtering & Grouping Data with Pivot Tables

  • Sorting Data with Pivot Tables
  • PRO TIP: Fixing Incorrect Alphabetical Sorting
  • Filtering Data with Pivot Table Label & Selection Filters
  • PRO TIP: Pivot Table Label Filters with Wildcards
  • Filtering Data with Pivot Table Value Filters
  • PRO TIP: Enabling Multiple Pivot Table Filters
  • Grouping & Segmenting Data with Pivot Tables
  • PRO TIP: Enabling & Disabling Automatic Date Grouping
  • Filtering Data with Pivot Table Slicers & Timelines
  • Breaking Out Pivot Table Report Filter Pages
  • QUIZ: Sorting, Filtering & Grouping Data with Excel Pivot Tables
  • HOMEWORK: Sorting, Filtering & Grouping Data with Excel
  • Pivot Tables

5. Enriching Data with Pivot Table Calculated Values & Fields

  • Aggregating & Summarizing Data with Pivot Tables
  • PRO TIP: Avoiding the Pivot Table “Count Of” Trap
  • Defining Value Calculations with Pivot Tables
  • Calculating Pivot Table Values: % of Column/Row
  • Calculating Pivot Table Values: % of Parent
  • Calculating Pivot Table Values: Difference From
  • Calculating Pivot Table Values: Running Total
  • Calculating Pivot Table Values: Rank
  • Calculating Pivot Table Values: Index
  • KNOWLEDGE CHECK: Pivot Table Value Calculations
  • Defining Calculated Fields with Pivot Tables
  • Creating Calculated Fields in Pivot Tables vs. Source Data
  • PRO TIP: Pivot Table Calculations Using Count Columns (Part 1)
  • PRO TIP: Pivot Table Calculations Using Count Columns (Part 2)
  • Inserting Pivot Table Calculated Items (USE WITH CAUTION!)
  • Generating Solve Order & List Formulas Reports
  • Q QUIZ: Enriching Data with Pivot Table Calculated Values & Fields
  • HOMEWORK: Enriching Data with Pivot Table Calculated Values
  • & Fields

6. Visualizing Data with Excel Pivot Charts

  • Intro to Excel Pivot Charts
  • Pivot Chart Demo: Column Chart
  • Pivot Chart Demo: Pie & Donut Charts
  • Pivot Chart Demo: Clustered Bar Chart
  • PRO TIP: Preventing Chans from Resizing with Cells
  • Changing Pivot Chart Types
  • Pivot Chart Demo: Stacked Area Chart
  • Customizing Pivot Chart Layouts & Styles
  • Moving Pivot Chans to New Excel Worksheets
  • Applying Slicers & Timelines to Multiple Pivot Charts
  • Building Dynamic Dashboards with Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts
  • QUIZ: Visualizing Data with Excel Pivot Charts
  • HOMEWORK: Visualizing Data with Excel Pivot Charts

7. Excel Pivot Table Case Studies

  • Setting Expectations
  • DOWNLOAD: Case Study Resources
  • Pivot Table Demo: Analyzing U.S. Voter Demographics
  • HOMEWORK: Analyzing U.S. Voter Demographics
  • Pivot Table Demo: Analyzing San Francisco Salary Data
  • HOMEWORK: Analyzing San Francisco Salary Data
  • Pivot Table Demo: Exploring Shark Attack Records
  • HOMEWORK: Exploring Shark Attack Records
  • Pivot Table Demo: Analyzing Stock Market Data
  • HOMEWORK: Analyzing Stock Market Data
  • Pivot Table Demo: Analyzing Major League Baseball Teams
  • HOMEWORK: Analyzing Major League Baseball Teams
  • Pivot Table Demo: Exploring San Diego Burrito Ratings
  • HOMEWORK: Exploring San Diego Burrito Ratings
  • Pivot Table Demo: Tracking Daily Weather Conditions
  • HOMEWORK: Tracking Daily Weather Conditions
  • Pivot Table Demo: Analyzing Spartan Race Facebook Posts
  • HOMEWORK: Analyzing Spartan Race Facebook Posts
  • Pivot Table Demo: Analyzing Apple App Store Data
  • HOMEWORK: Analyzing Apple App Store Data
  • Pivot Table Demo: Analyzing Wine Tasting Scores
  • HOMEWORK: Analyzing Wine Tasting Scores

8. Wrapping Up



  • Microsoft Excel 2010-2019 or Office 365 (ideally for PC/Windows)
  • Mac users are welcome, but please note that the Pivot Table interface may vary across platforms
  • Basic experience with Excel functionality (knowledge of charts & formulas is a plus!)

Who this course is for:

  • ANYONE who works with Excel on a regular basis (even if you’ve never used a Pivot Table!)
  • Excel users who have basic skills but would like to become more proficient in data exploration and analysis
  • Students looking for a comprehensive, engaging, and highly interactive approach to training
  • Anyone looking to pursue a career in data analysis or business intelligence

Is this course suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! This course is tailored to cater to learners with varying levels of Excel proficiency. Whether you’re a novice or have some experience, the course employs a step-by-step approach to ensure a seamless and comprehensive learning journey.

What sets this course apart from other Excel tutorials?

Our course stands out by placing a primary focus on data analysis and Excel Pivot Tables. We take an in-depth approach, guiding you through real-world scenarios and practical examples to ensure a thorough grasp of concepts. Moreover, the course adopts an active voice and an educational tone, making the learning experience engaging and effective.

How can I access this free course?

Accessing the course is simple and cost-free! Head over to our website, “,” and navigate to the dedicated course page. There, you’ll find all the video lessons readily available, empowering you to embark on your data analysis journey right away.

Free Don’t miss this opportunity to become an Excel data analysis expert now and unlock your full potential!

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