Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

Learn how to fully utilize services in our in-depth online video course, “Master Services with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.” Join us on a trip through more than 30 hours of carefully created video content as we introduce you to the world of modern software creation. This course aims to equip you with the skills and knowledge required to create scalable, reliable, and efficient microservices using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

We’ll walk you through every step of the process in this educational course, from grasping the principles of microservices design to learning the specifics of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. Accept the advantages of a modular strategy that enables you to create, implement, and keep up specific services independently, leading to quicker innovation and higher efficiency.

What sets this course apart is our emphasis on a hands-on, practical approach. Each video is thoughtfully structured to provide real-world scenarios and use cases, allowing you to gain practical experience that goes beyond theoretical knowledge. You’ll have the chance to build actual Microservices applications and discover firsthand the power of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud in action.

During the course, you will receive support and advice from our instructors who have a lot of professional expertise. You’ll get the skills necessary to overcome typical difficulties found while working with microservices, as well as a thorough understanding of effective distributed system management.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Develop and design REST API and RESTful Web Services using Spring Boot.
  • Orchestrate microservices with Kubernetes.
  • Implement Exception Handling, Validation, HATEOAS, and filtering for RESTful Web Services.
  • Set up Centralized Microservices Configuration with Spring Cloud Config Server.
  • Implement Fault Tolerance for microservices with Hystrix.
  • Monitor RESTful Services with Spring Boot Actuator.
  • Understand the best practices in designing RESTful web services.
  • Simplify communication with other Microservices using Feign REST Client.
  • Develop Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
  • Create containers for microservices with Docker.
  • Implement client-side load balancing (Ribbon), dynamic scaling (Eureka Naming Server), and an API Gateway (Zuul).
  • Learn to implement Distributed tracing for microservices with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin.
  • Version your RESTful Web Services effectively.
  • Document RESTful Web Services with Swagger.
  • Use Spring Cloud Bus to exchange messages about Configuration updates.
  • SEO-Friendly Description:

Course content of Master Microservices with Spring Boot

1. Introduction

  • Microservices and RESTful APIs with Spring Boot and Spring
  • Cloud – Preview
  • DO NOT SKIP: Success Stories of Other Learners
  • Introduction to the Course & Course Guide
  • A surprise! New Course IJpdates

2. Introduction To Web Services of Master Microservices with Spring Boot

  • What is a Web Service?
  • Important How Questions related to Web Services
  • Web Services – Key Terminology
  • Introduction to SOAP Web Services
  • Introduction to RESTful Web Services
  • SOAP vs RESTful Web Services

3. Restful Web Services with Spring Boot – V2

  • DO NOT SKIP: New to spring Boot?
  • Step 00 – Creating a REST API with Spring Boot – An Overview
  • Reference
  • Step 01 – Initializing a REST API Project with Spring Boot
  • Step 02 – Creating a Hello World REST API with Spring Boot
  • Step 03 – Enhancing the Hello World REST API to return a Bean
  • Step 04 – What’s happening in the background? Spring Boot
  • Starters & Autoconfign
  • Step 05 – Enhancing the Hello World REST API with a Path
  • Variable
  • Step 06 – Designing the REST API for Social Media Application
  • Step 07 – Creating User Bean and UserDaoService
  • Resources for Next Step
  • Step 08 – Implementing GET Methods for User Resource
  • Step 09 – Implementing POST Method to create User Resource
  • Step 10 – Enhancing POST Method to return correct HTTP
  • Status Code and Location
  • Step 11 – Implementing Exception Handling – 404 Resource Not found
  • Step 12 – Implementing Generic Exception Handling for all
  • Resources
  • Step 13 – Implementing DELETE Method to delete a User
  • Resource
  • Step 14 – Implementing Validations for REST API
  • Step 15 – Overview of Advanced REST API Features
  • Step 16 – Understanding Open API Specification and Swagger
  • springdoc-openapi Dependency for next lecture
  • Step 17 – Configuring Auto Generation of Swagger
  • Documentation
  • Step 18 – Exploring Content Negotiation – Implementing
  • Support for XML
  • Step 19 – Exploring Internationalization for REST API
  • Resources for Next Step
  • Step 20 – Versioning REST API – URI Versioning
  • Step 21 – Versioning REST API – Request Param, Header and
  • Content Negotiation
  • step 22 – Implementing HATEOAS for REST API
  • 23 Implementing Static Filtering for REST API
  • Step 24 – Implementing Dynamic Filtering for REST API
  • Step 25 – Monitoring APIs with Spring Boot Actuator
  • Step 26 – Exploring APIs with Spring Boot HAL Explorer
  • DO NOT SKIP – New to JPA and Hibernate?
  • Step 27 – Connecting REST API to H2 using JPA and Hibernate –
  • An Overview
  • DO NOT SKIP – Additional Setting For Next step – H2-
  • Step 28 – Creating User Entity and some test data
  • Step 29 – Enhancing REST API to connect to H2 using JPA and
  • Hibernate
  • Step 30 – Creating Post Entity with Many to One Relationship
  • with User Entity
  • Step 31 – Implementing a GET API to retrieve all Posts of a User
  • Step 32 – Implementing a POST API to create a Post for a User
  • Step 33 – Exploring JPA and Hibernate Queries for REST API
  • Step 34 – Connecting REST API to MySQL Database – An
  • Overview
  • Step 34z – OPTIONAL – Installing Docker
  • Resources for Next Step
  • step 35 – OPTIONAL – Connecting REST API to MySQL
  • Database – Implementation
  • Step 36 – Implementing Basic Authentication with Spring
  • Security
  • Step 37 – Enhancing Spring Security Configuration for Basic
  • Authentication

4. Quick Introduction to Microservices

  • Section Introduction – Microservices with Spring Cloud
  • 01 – Introduction to Microservices
  • 02 – Challenges with Microservices
  • 03 – Introduction to Spring Cloud
  • 04 – Advantages of Microservices Architectures
  • 05 – Microservice Components – Standardizing Ports

5. Microservices with Spring Cloud – VI

  • Next Section uses Latest Version of Spring Boot
  • Step 01 – Part 1 – Intro to Limits Microservice and Spring Cloud
  • Config Server
  • Step 01 – Part 2 – Setting up Limits Microservice
  • COURSE UPDATE : Limits service with of SPRING
  • BOOT
  • Step 02 – Creating a hard coded limits service
  • Step 03 -Enhance limits service to get configuration from
  • application properties
  • Step 04 – Setting up Spring Cloud Config Server
  • Step 05 – Installing Git
  • Step 06 – Creating Local Git Repository
  • Step 07 – Connect Spring Cloud Config Server to Local Git
  • Repository
  • Step 08 – Configuration for Multiple Environments in Git
  • Repository
  • Step 09 – Connect Limits Service to Spring Cloud Config Server
  • Debugging problems with Spring Cloud Config Server
  • Configuring Profiles for Limits Service
  • A review of Spring Cloud Config Server
  • Introduction to Currency Conversion and Currency
    Exchange Microservice
  • Setting up Currency Exchange Microservice
    Step 14 – Create a simple hard coded currency exchange service
  • Setting up Dynamic Port in the the Response
    Step 16 – Configure JPA and Initialized Data
  • Create a JPA Repository
  • Setting up Currency Conversion Microservice
  • Creating a service for currency conversion
  • Invoking Currency Exchange Microservice from
    Currency Conversion Micro
  • Step 21 – Using Feign REST Client for Service Invocation
  • Step 22 – Setting up client side load balancing with Ribbon
    COURSE UPDATE : Ribbon DOES NOT work with spring Boot
  • Step 23 – Running client side load balancing with Ribbon
    Debugging problems with Feign and Ribbon
  • Step 24 – Understand the need for a Naming Server
  • Step 25 – Setting up Eureka Naming Server
  • Step 26 – Connecting Currency Conversion Microservice to
  • Step 27 – Connecting Currency Exchange Microservice to
    COURSE UPDATE : Exclude dependency on jackson-
  • Step 28 – Distributing calls using Eureka and Ribbon
  • Debugging Problems with Naming Server ( Eureka ) and Ribbon
    step 29
  • A review of implementing Eureka, Ribbon and Feign
    step 30
  • Introduction to API Gateways
    step 31
  • Setting up Zuul API Gateway
    step 32
  • Implementing Zuul Logging Filter
    step 33
  • Executing a request through Zuul API Gateway
  • Step 34 – Setting up Zuul API Gateway between microservice
    invocations Debugging Problems with Zuul API Gateway
  • Step 35 – Introduction to Distributed Tracing
  • Step 36 – Implementing Spring Cloud Sleuth
  • step 37Introduction to Distributed Tracing with Zipkin
  • step 38
  • Installing Rabbit MO
    Updates to Step 39 – Running Zipkin on Windows
  • Step 39 – Setting up Distributed Tracing with Zipkin
  • Step 40 – Connecting microservices to Zipkin
    Updates to Step 40 : Use spring-cloud-starter-zipkin and
  • Step 41 – Using Zipkin Ul Dashboard to trace requests
    Debugging Problems with Zipkin
  • Step 42 – Understanding the need for Spring Cloud Bus
  • Step 43 – Implementing Spring Cloud Bus
  • Step 44
  • Fault Tolerance with Hystrix

6. Microservices with Spring Cloud – V2

  • What’s NEW in v2?
  • RECOMMENDED: Use Latest spring Boot Version
  • Have you already completed VI?
  • Course Downloads
  • Step 01 – Setting up Limits Microservice – V2
  • Reference
  • Step 02 – Creating a hard coded limits service – V2
  • Step 03 – Enhance limits service – Get configuration from
  • application props – V2
  • Step 04 – Setting up Spring Cloud Config Server – V2
  • Step 05 – Installing Git and Creating Local Git Repository – V2
  • Debugging problems with Spring Cloud Config Server – V2
  • Step 06 – Connect Spring Cloud Config Server to Local Git
  • Repository – V2
  • Step 07 – Connect Limits Service to Spring Cloud Config Server
  • Step 08 – Configuring Profiles for Limits Service – V2
  • Debugging Guide for Microservices V2 + Docker + Docker
  • Step 09 – Introduction to Currency Conversion & Exchange
  • Microservices – V2
  • Step 10 – Setting up Currency Exchange Microservice – V2
  • URL and Response Structure for Currency Exchange Service
  • Step 11 – Create a simple hard coded currency exchange service
  • Step 12 – Setting up Dynamic Port in the the Response – V2
  • Step 13 – Configure JPA and Initialized Data – V2
  • Reference
  • Step 14 – Create a JPA Repository – V2
  • Step 15 – Setting up Currency Conversion Microservice – V2
  • URL and Response Structure for Currency Conversion Service
  • Step 16 – Creating a service for currency conversion – V2
  • Step 17 – Invoking Currency Exchange from Currency
  • Conversion Microservice – V2
  • Step 18 – Using Feign REST Client for Service Invocation – V2
  • Step 19 – Understand Naming Server and Setting up Eureka
  • Naming Server – V2
  • Debugging Problems with Eureka – V2
  • Step 20 – Connect Currency Conversion & Currency Exchange
  • Microservices – V2
  • Course Update – Github Repositories
  • Step 21 – QuickStart by Importing Microservices
  • Step 22 – Load Balancing with Eureka, Feign & Spring Cloud
  • LoadBalancer – V2
  • Step 22 – Setting up Spring Cloud API Gateway
  • URLs for next Lecture
  • Step 23 – Enabling Discovery Locator with Eureka for Spring
  • Cloud Gateway
  • Debugging Problems with Spring Cloud Gateway – V2
  • Step 24 – Exploring Routes with Spring Cloud Gateway
  • Step 25 – Implementing Spring Cloud Gateway Logging Filter
  • Step 26 – Getting started with Circuit Breaker – Resilience4j
  • DO NOT SKIP: Update to Step 28 and Step 29 – Change in
  • Configuration
  • Step 27 – Playing with Resilience4j – Retry and Fallback
  • Methods
  • Step 28 – Playing with Circuit Breaker Features of Resilience4j
  • Step 29 – Exploring Rate Limiting and BulkHead Features of
  • Resilience4j – V2

7. Docker with Microservices using Spring Boot and Spring

  • Cloud – V2
  • Step 00 – Match made in Heaven – Docker and Microservices
  • Step 01 – Installing Docker – Docker – V2
  • RECOMMENDATION : Use PowerShell in Windows!
  • Step 02 – Your First Docker Usecase – Deploy a Spring Boot
  • Application
  • Step 03 – Docker Concepts – Registry, Repository, Tag, Image
  • and Containers
  • Step 04 – Playing with Docker Images and Containers
  • Step 05 – Understanding Docker Architecture – Docker Client,
  • Docker Engine
  • Step 06 – Why is Docker Popular
  • step 07
  • Playing with Docker Images
    step 08
  • Playing with Docker Containers
    Step 09 – Playing with Docker Commands – stats, system
    step 10
  • Introduction to Distributed Tracing
    step 11
  • Launching Zipkin Container using Docker
  • Step 12 00 – Getting Started with Observability and
    Next Lecture – Configuration for Connecting Microservices with
  • Step 12 – Connecting Currency Exchange Microservice with
  • Step 13 – Connecting Currency Conversion Microservice &API
    Gateway with Zipkin Link for the Next Lecture
  • Step 14 – Getting Setup with Microservices for Creating
    Container Images
  • Step 15 – Creating Container Image for Currency Exchange
  • Step 16 – Getting Started with Docker Compose – Currency
    Exchange Microservice
  • Step 17 – Running Eureka Naming Server with Docker Compose
  • Step 18 – Running Currency Conversion Microservice with
    Docker Compose
  • Step 19 – Running Spring Cloud API Gateway with Docker
    Debugging Problems with Docker Compose
    Spring Boot 3 Update – Zipkin URL Configuration
  • Step 20 – Running Zipkin with Docker Compose

8. Kubernetes with Microservices using Docker, Spring Boot

  • and Spring Cloud – V2
  • Step 00 – Docker, Kubernetes and Microservices – Made for
  • each other
  • Step 01 – Getting Started with Docker, Kubernetes and Google
  • Kubernetes Engine
  • Step 02 – Creating Google Cloud Account
  • Step 03 – Creating Kubernetes Cluster with Google Kubernete
  • Engine (GKE)
  • Step 04 – Review Kubernetes Cluster and Learn Few Fun Facts
  • about Kubernetes
  • Step 05 – Deploy Your First Spring Boot Application to
  • Kubernetes Cluster
  • Commands executed in this section
  • Step 06 – Quick Look at Kubernetes Concepts – Pods, Replica
  • Sets and Deployment
  • Step 07 – Understanding Pods in Kubernetes
  • Step 08 – Understanding ReplicaSets in Kubernetes
  • Step 09 – Understanding Deployment in Kubernetes
  • Step 10 – Quick Review of Kubernetes Concepts – Pods, Replica
  • Sets & Deployments
  • Understanding Services in Kubernetes
  • Quick Review of GKE on Google Cloud Console
  • Understanding Kubernetes Architecture – Master
    Node and Nodes
    Installing Gcloud
    Installing Kubectl
    Link for the Next Lecture
    Step 14 – Setup Currency Exchange & Conversion Microservices
  • Kubernetes
  • Step 15 – Container images for Exchange & Currency Conversion
  • Step 16 – Deploy Microservices to Kubernetes & Understand
    Service Discovery
  • Step 17 – Creating Declarative Configuration Kubernetes YAML
    for Microservices
  • Step 18 – Clean up Kubernetes YAML for Microservices
  • Step 19 – Enable Logging and Tracing APIs in Google Cloud
  • Step 20 – Deploying Microservices using Kubernetes YAML
  • Step 21 – Playing with Kubernetes Declarative YAML
  • Step 22 – Creating Environment Variables to enable
    Microservice Communication
  • Step 23 – Understanding Centralized Configuration in
    Kubernetes – Config Maps
  • Step 24 – Exploring Centralized Logging and Monitoring in GKE
  • Step 25 – Exploring Microservices Deployments with
  • Step 26 – Configuring Liveness and Readiness Probes for
    Microservices with K8S
  • Step 27 – Autoscaling Microservices with Kubernetes
  • Step 28 – Delete Kubernetes Cluster and Thank You!
    Do You Want To Help Us?

9. Thanks

  • D DO NOT SKIP- I Would Love To Congratulate You!
  • Thank You
  • D Bonus Lecture

10. Appendix – Introduction to Spring Boot in 12 Steps

  • Step 01 – Getting Started with Spring Boot – Goals
  • Step 02 – Understanding the World Before Spring Boot -10000
  • Feet Overview
  • Step 03 – Setting up New Spring Boot Project with Spring
  • Initializr
  • Step 04 – Build a Hello World API with Spring Boot
  • Step 05 – Understanding the Goal of Spring Boot
  • Step 06 – Understanding Spring Boot Magic – Spring Boot
  • Starter Projects
  • Step 07 – Understanding Spring Boot Magic – Auto
  • Configuration
  • Step 08 – Build Faster with Spring Boot DevTools
  • Step 09 – Get Production Ready with Spring Boot – 1 – Profiles
  • Step 10 – Get Production Ready with Spring Boot – 2 –
  • ConfigurationProperties
  • Step 11 – Get Production Ready with Spring Boot – 3 –
  • Embedded Servers
  • Step 12 – Get Production Ready with Spring Boot – 4 – Actuator
  • Step 13 – Understanding Spring Boot vs Spring vs Spring MVC
  • Step 14 – Getting Started with Spring Boot – Review

11. Appendix – Introduction to JPA in 10 Steps – V2

  • Step 01 – Getting Started with JPA and Hibernate – Goals
  • Step 02 – Setting up New Spring Boot Project for JPA and Hibernate
  • Launching up H2 Console and Creating Course Table
    in H2
  • Getting Started with Spring JDBC
    – Inserting Hardcoded Data using Spring JDBC
    – Inserting and Deleting Data using Spring JDBC
  • Querying Data using Spring JDBC
  • Getting Started with JPA and EntityManager
  • Exploring the Magic of JPA
  • Getting Started with Spring Data JPA
  • Exploring features of Spring DataJPA
  • Understanding difference between Hibernate and JPA

12. APPENDIX – Introduction to Functional Programming in 30

  • Step 00 – Introduction to Functional Programming – Overview
  • Step 01 – Getting Started with Functional Programming with Java
  • Step 02 – Writing Your First Java Functional Program
  • Step 03 – Improving Java Functional Program with filter
  • Step 04 – Using Lambda Expression to enhance your Functional Program
  • Step 05 – Do Functional Programming Exercises with Streams, Filters and Lambdas
  • Step 06 – Using map in Functional Programs – with Exercises
  • Understanding Optional class in Java
  • Quick Review of Functional Programming Basics


  • To benefit from this course on Microservices with Spring Boot, please ensure you meet the following prerequisites:
  • An enthusiastic attitude towards learning with a sense of enjoyment.
  • Proficiency in Java and familiarity with the Spring framework.
  • No prior experience with Microservices is required; beginners are welcome.
  • No prior experience with Docker is necessary.
  • No prior experience with Kubernetes is necessary.
  • Join us and unlock the world of Microservices with Spring Boot!

Who this course is for:

  • This comprehensive and SEO-friendly list is tailored for individuals who aspire to excel in Microservices development with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud:
  • Those eager to learn the art of designing and developing RESTful web services using Spring Boot. Master Microservices with Spring Boot
  • Enthusiasts keen to explore the intricacies of designing and developing Microservices with Spring Cloud.
  • Learners seeking a step-by-step, hands-on approach to comprehending the subject matter.
  • Individuals interested in mastering the creation of containers for Microservices using Docker.
  • Aspirants aiming to orchestrate Microservices seamlessly with Kubernetes.
  • Join this course and embark on a transformative learning journey in Microservices development with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

Is this a class that beginners can attend?

A: Of course! This course is open to students of all skill levels, despite whether you are new to microservices or have some previous work with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. Before moving on to deeper subjects, we start with the basics.

What time frame do I have access to the course for?

A: You will have full access to the videos after you join in the course. Take your time to completely understand the topics and go back to classes any time you want to.

Is there any certificate of completion offered?

A: As of now, we do not provide certificates for this free course. Our primary focus is to deliver valuable knowledge and practical skills to all learners.

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