ChatGPT Masterclass: The Guide to AI & Prompt Engineering

Welcome to the ultimate free video course on “The Guide to AI & Prompt Engineering” by! Dive deep into the world of artificial intelligence and prompt engineering with over 30+ hours of comprehensive video content designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in these cutting-edge fields.

You will travel through the foundations of AI and prompt engineering in this masterclass, covering everything from the principles to sophisticated methods. You will learn how AI systems operate, how to efficiently design prompts for best performance, and how to use AI to solve practical problems through interesting lectures and practical examples.

This course has something for everyone, whether you’re a novice looking to learn more about the intriguing field of artificial intelligence or a seasoned expert looking to improve your prompt engineering abilities. Come along as we solve the puzzles surrounding artificial intelligence and equip you with the skills necessary to become a skilled AI practitioner.

What you’ll learn The Guide to AI & Prompt Engineering:

  • Learn new skills with ChatGPT.
  • Automate tasks using ChatGPT.
  • Code with ChatGPT.
  • Find jobs with ChatGPT.
  • Digital marketing with ChatGPT.
  • Find recipes using ChatGPT.
  • Financial planning with ChatGPT.
  • Optimize workflows with ChatGPT.
  • Create educational content with ChatGPT.
  • Creative writing with ChatGPT.
  • SEO-optimize with ChatGPT.
  • Health & fitness with ChatGPT.
  • Salary negotiation with ChatGPT.
  • Resume & cover letter with ChatGPT.
  • Website building with ChatGPT.
  • Email marketing with ChatGPT.
  • Prompt engineering with ChatGPT.
  • Ad copies with ChatGPT.

Course Content

1. Introduction

  • How to Use This Course

2. Understanding & Mastering ChatGPT

  • ChatGPT Explained
  • How to Use ChatGPT
  • Image Analysis
  • Web Browsing
  • Image Generation
  • Voice Conversation

3. Prompt Engineering

  • Prompt Engineering Explained
  • Prompt Framework
  • Custom Instructions
  • Prompt Priming
  • Iteration
  • 0-1-Few Shot
  • Output Templates
  • Step-by-Step
  • Act AS
  • Perspectives
  • 4th Grader
  • Follow-up Questions
  • Tabular Format
  • Comparisons
  • Summarize
  • Critique Me
  • Critique Yourself
  • Teach Me The Guide to AI & Prompt Engineering
  • Write Like Me
  • Ask for Advice
  • Laddering
  • Advanced Prompt Engineering & Fine Tuning
  • Advanced Prompt Engineering

4. Plugins

  • Plugins Explained
  • Prompt Perfect
  • A1 Tools Guide
  • Generate Videos
  • Generate Audios
  • Visual Learning
  • Transcribe YouTube Videos
  • Travel Booking
  • Chans & Calculations
  • Science Research
  • Uninstall Plugins

5. Content Creation

  • Blog Posts & Articles
  • Social Media Content
  • Ad Copy & Marketing Materials
  • Creative Writing
  • SEO
  • Educational Content
  • Content Creation

6. Research & Information Synthesis

  • Summarizing Articles & Documents
  • Generating Research Ideas
  • Fact-checking & Validating Information
  • Information Curation
  • Discussion Initiator
  • Research & Information Synthesis

7. Personal & Professional Development

  • Goal Setting & Tracking
  • Learning New Skills & Topics
  • Enhancing Communication Skills
  • Find Cooking Recipes
  • Financial Planning Assistance
  • Career Transition Strategy
  • Personal & Professional Development

8. Productivity & Time Management

  • Streamlining Workflows
  • Automating Repetitive Tasks
  • Prioritizing & Scheduling
  • Task Delegation
  • Time Blocking
  • Productivity & Time Management

9. Market Research

  • Market Research Explained
  • Product Details
  • Target Audience Persona
  • Competitor Analysis

10. Website Building

  • W—LeBuüdingExpIained
  • Install WordPress
  • Install a Theme
  • Website Title & Logo
  • Pages
  • Header & Footer Menu
  • Fonts & Colors
  • Home Page
  • Store Setup
  • Product Page
  • Blog Page
  • Create a Blog Post
  • Shop & My Account Pages
  • Contact Page
  • Safety & Optimizations
  • Navigation
  • Go Live!

11. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • S_QExplained
  • How to Keyword Research
  • Create SEO-Friendly Content
  • On-Page SEO
  • Backlinks

12. Email Marketing

  • Email MarketingExplained
  • Create Lead Captures
  • Create Email Campaign
  • Email Prompts

13. Google Analytics 4

  • Google Analytics 4 Explained
  • Install GA4
  • Connect WooCommerce
  • Connect Search Console
  • Internal Traffic Filter
  • Track Leads
  • Alerts
  • Access Demo Account
  • Dashboard Navigation
  • Traffic
  • Locations
  • Demographics
  • Pages
  • Sources, Mediums & Channels
  • Compare Data
  • Add Users
  • Link Google Ads
  • Track Campaigns

14. Job Applications & Career Growth

  • Resume & Cover Letter Writing
  • Effective Job Search Strategies
  • Interview Preparation
  • Salary Negotiation Techniques
  • Personal Branding & Networking
  • Job Applications & Career Growth

15. ChatGPT in Various Fields

  • ChatGPT in Education
  • ChatGPT in Coding & Web Development
  • ChatGPT in Personal Life
  • ChatGPT in Nutrition & Healthy Eating
  • ChatGPT in Event Planning
  • ChatGPT in Various Fields

16. The Future of ChatGPT

  • The Future of ChatGPT Explained
  • Everyday Life
  • Job Market
  • Education
  • Communications
  • A1 Competitors
  • The Future of ChatGPT

17. Thank You

  • Thank You
  • Bonus Lecture

Requirements of The Guide to AI & Prompt Engineering:

  • Computer or mobile phone with internet access

Who this course is for:

  • Aspiring AI enthusiasts
  • Lifelong learners
  • Content creators
  • Digital marketers
  • Professional writers
  • Research scholars
  • Bloggers
  • Students of technology
  • Business strategists
  • Tech-savvy entrepreneurs
  • Career switchers into tech
  • Professionals seeking upskilling

How long is the course?

The course comprises over 30+ hours of video content covering various aspects of AI and prompt engineering.

Is this course suitable for beginners?

Yes, this course is designed to cater to both beginners and experienced professionals. We cover the fundamentals as well as advanced techniques in AI and prompt engineering.

Can I access the course for free?

Absolutely! This is a free video course provided by, aimed at making valuable knowledge accessible to all.

Free in the ChatGPT Masterclass: The Guide to AI & Prompt Engineering, simply visit our website and sign up today to start your journey towards mastering AI and prompt engineering.

File Info:
Last Update: 16/2024
File Download Method: Fast Direct Server 
File Size: 11.5GB (apporx)

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