Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3 (2023) – Build APIs and SPAs

Indulge in a profound educational experience with our unparalleled free video course, available exclusively on “howtofree.org.” Immerse yourself in a transformative learning journey as we meticulously unravel the intricacies of Fullstack development, employing the cutting-edge Laravel 10 and Vue.js 3 technologies.

This comprehensive course, extending over 30+ hours, is expertly crafted to equip you with the essential skills required to conquer the dynamic synergy between Laravel and Vue.js. Delve into the depths of these powerful frameworks as our expert instructors guide you through hands-on exercises, real-world applications, and in-depth discussions.

Discover the keys to effective Fullstack development as you become proficient with the powerful backend features of Laravel 10 and utilise the dynamic frontend power of Vue.js 3. This course offers a customised learning experience that accommodates all skill levels, regardless of your experience level as a developer or your desire to learn more about Fullstack development.

Table of Contents of Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3

Embark on this educational odyssey with us, and emerge not only as a proficient Fullstack developer but also as a strategic problem-solver in the realm of web development. Elevate your skill set, broaden your horizons, and stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of technology. Enroll now to embark on a journey that will shape your future in Fullstack development!

What you’ll learn Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3

  • Practical Application:
  • Learn to construct real-world applications using Vue.js and Laravel, gaining hands-on experience in building functional and dynamic web solutions.
  • RESTful API Development:
  • Acquire the skills to develop robust RESTful APIs, enhancing the interoperability and efficiency of your applications.
  • Single Page Application (SPA) Mastery:
  • Build Single Page Applications (SPAs) from scratch, understanding the intricacies of creating seamless and interactive user experiences.
  • Deployment Expertise:
  • Explore the deployment process by deploying your Laravel applications on both Heroku and Digital Ocean Virtual Private Servers, ensuring your projects are accessible and operational.
  • Vue.js and Laravel Integration:
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of how Vue.js functions and seamlessly interacts with Laravel’s Backend API, empowering you to create powerful and cohesive web applications.

Course Content of Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3

1. Introduction

  • Welcome to the course
  • Project Repositories

2. Setting up our Laravel Development Environment

  • Section Introduction (DON’T SKIP unless you have dev environment setup)
  • Setting up Local Development on Windows – Installing XAMPP
  • 10 lectu
  • Setting up Local Development on Windows – Install Composer & Laravel Installer
  • Setting up Local Development on MacOs (v12+) – Installing Herd
  • Setting up Local Development on Mac – Install Homebrew, PHP, MySQL and Composer
  • Setting up Local Development on Mac – Installing Valet
  • Alternative Local Development Environment – Installing Laravel Sail
  • Other Tools to install Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3
  • REST Client Tools to install
  • My Visual Studio Code Editor extensions & settings

3. Getting started with Laravel 10 (Build REST API)

  • Creating new Laravel project
  • Model, Mgration, Factories, and Seeders
  • Creating our first API Endpoint
  • Working with Eloquent API Resource
  • Validating and Inserting Data
  • Updating Data
  • Deleting Data

4. API Authentication with Sanctum

  • Setting up Sanctum
  • SPA Authentication – Signing users in
  • SPA Authentication – Signing users out
  • SPA Authentication – Registering users
  • Protecting routes
  • Using Sanctum for API Token Authentication
  • Linking users to other resources

5. Authorization

  • Creating our first Policy
  • Authorizing resources

6. Getting started with Vue 3

  • Setup Vue 3 project
  • Single File Component
  • Directives and Attribute bindings
  • Handling events
  • Two way bindings with v-model
  • Working with methods
  • Style and Class bindings
  • Computed Properties
  • Watchers
  • Styling the Tags Input component
  • Component Communication with Props
  • Component Communication with emitting events

7. Vue 3 Composition API Fundamental Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3

  • Composition API Introduction
  • Composition API Setup
  • Creating reactive reference with the ref function
  • Creating reactive object with the reactive function
  • Creating reactive reference from reactive object
  • Computed properties
  • Working with watch and watchEffect
  • Working with props
  • Emitting events
  • Lifecycle hooks
  • Composable functions
  • Using Composition API script setup

8. Consuming REST API in our Vue.js 3 Application

  • Creating new Vue.js 3 project
  • Setting up Axios for HTTP call
  • Displaying data in Vue js components
  • Using computed properties for displaying completed and uncompleted tasks
  • Toggling the completed tasks
  • Adding new component to insert data
  • Creating an Inline editing feature
  • Adding new feature in our Vue js app to update data
  • Populating input element when editing data
  • Adding new feature to mark the task as completed
  • Adding new feature to remove tasks Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3

9. State Management With Pinia

  • Setting up Pinia
  • Defining Stores
  • Defining Getters
  • Defining Actions
  • Refactoring our Stores (Using Setup stores)
  • Refactoring our components

10. Single Page Application with Vue Router

  • Setting up Vue Router
  • Route Navigation
  • Programmatic navigations
  • Styling the current active link
  • Handling 404 error
  • Navigation Guards
  • Route meta fields
  • Transitions

11. Implementing Authentication in Vue 3 Application

  • Storing Axios Base URL in environment variables
  • Setting up Client Authentication
  • Creating a Pinia store for authentication
  • Building Login form
  • Authentication redirection
  • Logging users out
  • Replacing the login button with a Dropdown
  • Handling validation error messages
  • Adding a Register form
  • Fixing the task issues

12. Deploying Laravel app

  • Setting up our Server
  • Creating a new user in our server
  • Upgrading PHP Version
  • Setting up Nginx
  • Setting up MySQL Database
  • Setting up SSH
  • Deploying Laravel app
  • Pushing new changes
  • Adding Domain and SSL to our Server
  • Final Steps

13. Deploying Vue js app

  • Setting up our Server
  • Setting up Node.js
  • Setting up Nginx with SSL
  • Deploying Vue js app

14. SPA Advanced features (New]

  • Adding Summaries endpoint
  • Filtering Task summaries
  • Refactoring & Testing
  • Consuming summaries endpoint in Vue js app
  • Creating base Summary filter component
  • Make the menu items dynamic
  • Highlighting active filter item
  • Reacting to Summary filter change
  • Project 2: Build a Products Managements Applicati

15. Project 2: Build a Products Managements Application with Vue.js

  • Project Overview
  • Creating basic sorting functionality
  • Styling the sortable columns
  • Refactoring Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3
  • Implementing sortable column to product name & category
  • Fixing sortable column indicator issue
  • Adding basic searching functionality
  • Realtime searching
  • Another approach in presenting search results
  • Adding Pagination
  • Adding Form Modal
  • Getting list of categories
  • Updating existing data
  • Deleting data

16. Learning Laravel core concept

  • Section Introduction
  • Routing
  • Request & Response
  • Views
  • Working with Artisan CLI & Tinker
  • Setting up our Database connection
  • Database Migration
  • Working with Foreign key column
  • Populating database table with Seeder
  • Working with Faker Library
  • Eloquent
  • Eloquent Relationship
  • Eloquent Relationship – Inserting Related Models
  • Model Factories
  • API Resources
  • Controllers
  • Validation
  • Finishing touch
  • Upgrading our Laravel app to the newest version (v8)

17. Consuming REST API in our Vue.js Application

  • Section Introduction
  • Fetching all products
  • Fetching categories
  • Saving new product
  • Updating product
  • Deleting product
  • Implementing HTML 5 history API

18. Project 3: Build a Stackoverflow clone – Creating

  • Questions Resources
  • Project Repository
  • Download this New Laravel Versions Reference Guide (Important!)
  • ELQject Setup
  • Designing Question Schema – Part 1 of 2
  • Designing Question Schema – Part 2 of 2
  • Generating Fake data via Model Factories – Part 1 of 2
  • Generating Fake data via Model Factories – Part 2 of 2
  • Displaying all questions
  • 22 le Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3
  • Adding Author info and Question creation date on Question item – Part 1 of 2
  • Adding Author info and Question creation date on Question item – Part 2 of 2
  • Adding votes, answers and views counter on Question item – Part 1 of 2
  • Adding votes, answers and views counter on Question item – Part 2 of 2
  • Buiding Question Form – Part 1 of 2
  • Buiding Question Form – Part 2 of 2
  • Validating and Saving the Question – Part 1 of 2
  • Validating and Saving the Question – Part 2 of 2
  • Updating The Question – Part 1 of 2
  • Updating The Question – Pan 2 of 2
  • Deleting The Question
  • Showing The Question detail
  • Authorizing The Question – Using Gates
  • Authorizing The Question – Using Policies

19. Project 3: Build a Stackoverflow clone – Creating Answers Resource

  • Designing Answer Schema
  • Generating Fake Answers – Part 1 of 2
  • Generating Fake Answers – Part 2 of 2
  • Displaying answers for question
  • Adding Vote Controls on Question and Answer
  • Part 1 of 3
  • Adding Vote Controls on Question and Answer
  • Part 2 of 3
  • Adding Vote Controls on Question and Answer
  • Part 30f3
  • Saving The Answer – Part 1 of 3
  • Saving The Answer – Part 2 of 3
  • Saving The Answer – Part 3 of 3
  • Updating The Answer –
  • Part 1 of 2
  • Updating The Answer – Part 2 of 2
  • Deleting The Answer
  • Part 1 of 3
  • Deleting The Answer
  • Part 2 of 3

20. Project 3: Build a Stackoverflow clone – Adding Vote Control System

  • Accepting the answer as best answer – Part 1 of 2
  • Accepting the answer as best answer – Part 2 of 2
  • Favoriting The Question – Part 1 of 4
  • Favoriting The Ouestion – Part 2 of 4
  • Favoriting The Question – Part 3 of 4
  • Favoriting The Question – Part 4 of 4
  • Voting The Question & Answer – Part of 6
  • Voting The Question & Answer – Part 2 of 6
  • Voting The Question &Answer – Part 3 of 6
  • Voting The Question & Answer – Part 4 of 6
  • Voting The Question & Answer – Part 5 of 6
  • Voting The Question & Answer – Part 6 of 6

21. Code Refactoring & Misc

  • Refactoring The Models
  • Refactoring The Views – Part 1 of 2
  • Refactoring The Views – Part 2 of 2
  • Preventing The Application from XSS Attack – Part 1 of 2
  • Preventing The Application from XSS Attack – Part 2 of 2
  • Miscellaneous Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3
  • Tidying up our views

22. Integrating Vue.js to Stackoverflow clone app

  • Creating our first Vue.js Component – Part 1 of 2 (Building The Component)
  • Creating our first Vue.js Component – Part 2 of 2 (Using The Component)
  • Creating Vue Answer Component – Part 1 of 5 (Using Vue.js Inline Template)
  • Creating Vue Answer Component – Part 2 of 5 (Ajaxifying The Edit button)
  • Creating Vue Answer Component – Part 3 of 5 (Build Answer Inline Form)
  • Creating Vue Answer Component – Part 4 of 5 (Undoing changes)
  • Creating Vue Answer Component – Part 5 of 5 (Validation)
  • 30 lect
  • Ajaxifying the Delete answer button
  • Beautifying The Flash & Confirm messages
  • Creating Favorite Component – Part 1 of 3 (From button to Vue.js Component)
  • Creating Favorite Component – Part 2 of 3 (Event Handler)
  • Creating Favorite Component – Part 3 of 3 (Authenticating the button)
  • Creating Accept Answer Component – Part 1 of 2 (from button into Vue component)
  • Creating Accept Answer Component – Part 2 of 2 (event handler)
  • Rewriting The Authorization Logic – Part 1 of 2 (Core authorization)
  • Rewriting The Authorization Logic – Part 2 of 2 (Refactoring)
  • Creating Vote Component – Part 1 of 3 (From blade to Vue Component)
  • Creating Vote Component – Part 2 of 3 (Event Handling)
  • Creating Vote Component – Part 3 of 3 (Fixing issues)
  • Creating Vue Answers Component
  • Building Load more answers Feature
  • Building Load more answers Feature – Part 2 of 2
  • Implementing Vue.js Custom Events
  • Implementing Global Event Bus
  • Creating New Answer Component – Part 1 of 2 (From blade to Vue.js component)
  • Creating New Answer Component – Part 2 of 2 (Event Handling)
  • Creating Question Component – Part 1 of 3 (from blade to vue.js component)
  • Creating Question Component – Part 2 of 3 (Build inline Form)
  • Creating Question Component – Part 3 of 3 (Misc)
  • Working With Vue.js Mixins

23. Building Markdown Editor Component with Syntax Highlight Support [Optional]

  • Section Intro
  • Composing Editor Component
  • Enable Markdown Preview
  • Autosizing The Editor Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3
  • Syntax Highlight Integration
  • Fixing Syntax Highlight issue on the first load
  • Fixing Syntax Highlight issue when cancel editing
  • Creating Highlight Mixin
  • Integrating Markdown Editor in Answer Component
  • Integrating Markdown Editor in New Answer Component
  • Fixing Syntax Highlight issue after new answer added
  • Fixing Syntax Highlight in Answers Component

24. RESTful API Development

  • Installing Laravel Passport
  • Requesting a Passport Token
  • Creating API Endpoint for displaying all questions
  • Transforming Data using Eloquent API Resources
  • Creating API Endpoint for adding new question
  • Creating API Endpoints for Updating & Deleting existing question
  • Creating API Endpoint for showing question details
  • Creating Answer Endpoints
  • Creating Vote Question & Answer Endpoints
  • Creating Favourite Question & Accept Answer Endpoints
  • Current User’s Posts Endpoint
  • The Authentication API

25. Building Single Page Application

  • Updating npm packages Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3
  • Getting started with SPA – Setting up Backend Route Fallback
  • Getting started with SPA – Installing and configuring Vue Router
  • Getting started with SPA – Using Vue router RouterLink component
  • Getting started with SPA – Vue Router Navigation Guards
  • Getting started with SPA – Handling 404 error page
  • The QuestionsPage Component – Setting up API baseURL
  • The QuestionsPage Component – Building User Interface
  • The QuestionsPage Component – Consuming API Endpoint
  • The QuestionsPage Component – Fixing Authorization issue
  • Creating Pagination Component
  • Creating Question Form Component – From Blade file to Vue.js component
  • Creating Question Form Component – Handling Form Data
  • Creating Edit Question Component
  • Ajaxifying the Delete question button
  • The Question Page Component – Showing question details
  • The Question Page Component – Displaying related answers
  • The Question Page Component – Fixing the Delete question button
  • The Question Page Component – Fixing the Load more answers button
  • The Question Page Component – Fixing The Favourite button
  • Displaying current user’s post – Building User Interface
  • Displaying current user’s post – Consuming Backend API
  • Polishing up our app – Adding Transition effect Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3
  • Polishing up our app – Adding AJAX Spinner on All questions page
  • Polishing up our app – Using Axios interceptor to control the Spinner globally
  • Polishing up our app – Adding AJAX Spinner when submitting the form
  • Final Bug fixing

26. Appendix I – Upgrading Laravel App

  • Introduction
  • Upgrading to Laravel 5.7 – Update Dependencies & Core Application
  • Upgrading to Laravel 5.7 – Syncing Application’s structure
  • Upgrading to Laravel 5.7 – Testing
  • Upgrading to Laravel 5.8 – Update Dependencies & Core Application
  • Upgrading to Laravel 5.8 – Syncing Application’s structure
  • Upgrading to Laravel 5.8 – Testing
  • Fixing The Verified Email Error
  • Upgrading to Laravel 6.0

27. Appendix II – Deployment Laravel App in Heroku

  • Introducing Heroku
  • Creating Heroku App
  • Creating a Database
  • Setting Heroku Config Variables
  • Fixing Insecure Assets Error

28. Appendix Ill – Deploy Laravel App in Virtual Private Server (Digital Ocean)

  • Introduction Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3
  • Setting up Server
  • Installing Nginx, MySql & PHP
  • Setting up Firewall
  • Creating a new user for our deployment
  • Setting up Nginx
  • Setting up MySQL
  • Setting up SSH Keys
  • Deploying Laravel App in our Production Server
  • Deploying new changes Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3
  • Adding domain to our Server
  • Setting up SSL on our server

29. [Legacy] Getting started with Vue.js

  • Intro to Vue.js
  • Setup Vue.js locally
  • List Rendering – Part 1 of 3
  • List Rendering – Part 2 of 3
  • List Rendering – Part 3 of 3
  • Conditional Rendering – Part 1 of 3
  • Conditional Rendering – Part 2 of 3
  • Conditional Rendering – Part 3 of 3
  • Event Handling – Part 1 of 4
  • Event Handling – Part 2 of 4
  • Event Handling – Part 3 of 4
  • Event Handling – part 4 of 4
  • Class Binding
  • Class Binding
  • Style Binding
  • Parti of 2
  • Style Binding – Pari 2 of 2
  • Computed Property – Part 1 of 3
  • Computed Property – Part 2 of 3
  • Computed Property – Part 3 of 3

Requirements of Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3

  • Prerequisite Knowledge:
  • Basic understanding of HTML, PHP, OOP, CSS, and Javascript is recommended. The course is designed to accommodate learners with varying levels of experience, but familiarity with these languages will enhance your learning experience.
  • Device Compatibility:
  • Access the course from a Mac, Windows, or Linux computer. Our content is optimized to seamlessly run on these operating systems, ensuring a smooth learning journey across diverse platforms.

Target Audience:

  • Aspiring Developers:
  • Individuals keen on mastering the art of combining Laravel with Vue.js and other web technologies to construct full-stack web applications.
  • Intermediate Laravel Enthusiasts:
  • This course is tailored for students who already possess a foundational understanding of Laravel and are eager to elevate their development skills. Ideal for those looking to advance their expertise by actively participating in real-life project development.

Is this course suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! Our Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3 course is designed for learners of all levels. Clear explanations and hands-on examples make it accessible for beginners while providing valuable insights for seasoned developers Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3.

What makes this course unique?

Our course stands out with its 30+ hours of content, ensuring a deep dive into Fullstack development. The active voice approach encourages practical application, setting it apart as an engaging and effective learning resource.

How can I access the course Fullstack Laravel 10 + Vue.js 3?

Simply visit HowToFree.org, where the entire video course is available for free. No subscriptions or hidden fees – just a commitment to empowering learners in the Fullstack development realm.

Free on your Fullstack development journey today with our free video course on HowToFree.org. Let’s code, learn, and build together!

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Author : https://www.udemy.com/course/laravel-vuejs-fullstack-web-development/

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