C Programming For Beginners – Master the C Language

Embark on a transformative learning journey with our comprehensive free video course, “C Programming For Beginners – Master the C Language.” Designed for those eager to delve into the world of programming, this course is hosted on the esteemed platform howtofree.org, where knowledge knows no bounds.

Unlock the Power of C: With over 30+ hours of engaging video content, this course is meticulously crafted to empower beginners with a solid foundation in C programming. From fundamental concepts to advanced techniques, each module seamlessly builds upon the last, ensuring a smooth and immersive learning experience.

Presented on the prestigious howtofree.org platform, where learning never ends, our course delves further beyond the fundamentals and equips you with the abilities required to confidently take on programming problems. Learning C is a joyful experience, regardless of your programming skill level, thanks to our user-friendly methodology and fascinating content.

What You’ll Learn C Programming For Beginners:

  • Foundational Understanding:
  • Grasp the fundamentals of the C Programming Language.
  • Enhanced Employability:
  • Boost your marketability for entry-level programming positions.
  • Hands-On Application:
  • Develop your first C Application.
  • Global Relevance:
  • Acquire proficiency in one of the most popular and widely used programming languages globally.
  • Variable Mastery:
  • Understand variables and the different data types.
  • Real-Time Programming Skills:
  • Qualify for real-time programming positions.
  • Core Language Knowledge:
  • Gain insight into the core language that serves as the foundation for most modern programming languages.
  • Code Quality Expertise:
  • Learn how to write high-quality code for optimal performance.

Course Content

1. Introduction

  • Welcome to Class!
  • Class Organization
  • Fundamentals of a Program
  • Overview
  • Language Features
  • Creating a C Program
  • Quiz 1

2. Installing Required Software

  • Overview
  • Installing the C Compiler (Windows)
  • Installing CodeLite On Windows
  • Configuring CodeLite on Windows
  • Installing the C Compiler (Mac)
  • Installing CodeLite on Mac
  • Configuring CodeLite on Mac
  • Installing CodeLite on Ubuntu Linux
  • Configuring CodeLite on Ubuntu Linux
  • Creating a Default CodeLite Project Template (All Versions)
  • Using the Command Line Interface
  • Using the Command Line Interface on Windows
  • Using the Command Line Interface on Mac
  • Using the Command Line Interface on Linux
  • Using a Web-based C compiler

3. Starting to write code

  • Exploring the CodeLite Environment
  • Creating our first C program
  • Building/Compiling our first program
  • What are Compiler Errors
  • What are Compiler Warnings
  • What are Linker Errors
  • What are Runtime Errors
  • What are Logic Errors
  • (Challenge) Writing a C program that displays your name
  • (Demonstration) Writing a C program that displays your name
  • Structure of a C program
  • Quiz 2

4. Basic Concepts

  • Comments
  • The preprocessor
  • The #include statement
  • Displaying Output
  • Reading input from the terminal
  • Quiz 3

5. Variables and Data Types

  • Overview
  • Basic Data Types
  • Enums and Chars
  • (Challenge) Create and use an enum type
  • (Demonstration) Create and use an enum type
  • Format Specifiers
  • (Challenge) Print the Area of a Rectangle
  • (Demonstration) Print the Area of a Rectangle
  • Command line arguments
  • Quiz 4

6. Operators

  • Overview
  • Basic Operators
  • (Challenge) Convert minutes to years and days
  • (Demonstration) Convert minutes to years and days
  • Bitwise Operators
  • The Cast and sizeof Operators
  • (Challenge) Print the byte size of the basic data types
  • (Demonstration) Print the byte size of the basic data types
  • Operator Precedence
  • Quiz 5

7. Control Flow

  • Overview
  • If Statements
  • (Challenge) Determine amount of Pay
  • (Demonstration) Determine the amount of weekly Pay
  • Switch Statement
  • For Loop
  • While and Do-While
  • Nested Loops and loop Control – Break and Continue
  • (Challenge) Guess the Number
  • (Demonstration) Guess the Number
  • Quiz 6

8. Arrays

  • Creating and using Arrays
  • Initialization
  • (Challenge) Generate Prime Numbers
  • (Demonstration) Generate Prime Numbers
  • Multidimensional Arrays
  • (Challenge) Create a simple Weather program
  • (Demonstration) Create a simple Weather Program
  • Variable Length Arrays
  • Quiz 7

9. Functions

  • Basics
  • Defining Functions
  • Arguments and Parameters
  • Returning data from functions
  • Local and Global Variables
  • (Challenge) Write some functions!
  • (Demonstration) Write some functions!
  • (Challenge) Create a Tic Tac Toe Game
  • (Demonstration) Create a Tic Tac Toe Game
  • Quiz 8

10. Character Strings

  • Overview
  • Defining a String
  • Constant Strings
  • (Challenge) Understanding char arrays
  • (Demonstration) Understanding char arrays
  • Common String Functions
  • (Challenge) Utilizing common string functions
  • (Demonstration) Utilizing common string functions
  • Searching, Tokenizing, and Analyzing Strings
  • Converting Strings
  • Quiz 9

11. Debugging

  • Configuring the Debugger in CodeLite (Windows)
  • Configuring the Debugger in CodeLite (Mac)
  • Configuring the Debugger in CodeLite (Linux/lJbuntu)
  • What is Debugging
  • Understanding the Call Stack
  • The CodeLite Debugger
  • Common C Mistakes
  • Understanding Compiler Errors
  • Quiz 10

12. Pointer Basics

  • Overview
  • Defining Pointers
  • Accessing Pointers
  • (Challenge) Pointer Basics
  • (Demonstration) Pointer Basics
  • Quiz 11

13. Utilizing Pointers

  • Overview
  • Pointers and const
  • void pointers
  • Pointers and Arrays
  • Passing pointers to a function
  • (Challenge) Using Pointers as parameters
  • (Demonstration) Using Pointers as parameters
  • Quiz 12

14. Pointer Arithmetic

  • Overview
  • Pointers and Arrays Example
  • Pointers and Strings
  • (Challenge) Counting characters in a String
  • (Demonstration) Counting characters in a string
  • Quiz 13

15. Dynamic Memory Allocation

  • Overview
  • malloc, calloc, and realloc
  • (Challenge) Using Dynamic Memory
  • (Demonstration) Using Dynamic Memory

16. Structures

  • Creating and Using Structures
  • (Challenge) Declaring and Initializing a structure
  • (Demonstration) Declaring and Initializing a structure
  • Structures and Arrays
  • Nested Structures
  • Structures and Pointers
  • Structures and Functions
  • (Challenge) Structure Pointers and Functions
  • (Demonstration) Structure Pointers and Functions
  • Quiz 15

17. File Input and Output

  • Overview
  • Accessing Files
  • Reading for a file
  • (Challenge) Find the number of lines in a file
  • (Demonstration) Find the number of lines in a file
  • Writing to a file
  • (Challenge) Convert characters in a file to uppercase
  • (Demonstration) Convert characters in a file to uppercase
  • Finding your position in a File
  • (Challenge) Print the contents of a file in reverse order
  • (Demonstration) Print the contents of a file in reverse order
  • Quiz 16

18. The Standard C Library

  • Standard Header Files
  • Various Functions
  • Math Functions
  • Utility Functions

19. Conclusion

  • Further Topics of Study
  • Course Summary

20. Extra Information – Source code, and other stuff

  • Source Codes
  • Bonus Lecture and Information

Requirements of C Programming For Beginners:

  • Operating System:
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • RAM:
  • A minimum of 4GB RAM is recommended for optimal performance.
  • Experience Level:
  • No programming experience required.
  • All concepts taught in this class.

Target Audience C Programming For Beginners:

  • Aspiring Programmers:
  • Individuals keen on acquiring programming skills in the C language.
  • Unleash your potential and join this course designed for those eager to delve into the intricacies of C programming!

Is this course suitable for absolute beginners?

Absolutely! “C Programming For Beginners” is tailor-made for those starting their programming journey, providing a comprehensive introduction to the C language.

How is the content structured?

Our course follows a carefully curated progression, starting with the basics and gradually delving into more advanced topics. The 30+ hours of video content are organized to ensure a logical and rewarding learning experience.

What makes this course stand out?

The course stands out for its educational tone, active voice, and seamless transitions between topics. It is designed to empower beginners with a strong grasp of C programming concepts.

Free on your coding journey today, and let “C Programming For Beginners – Master the C Language” be your compass to success in the world of programming HowToFree.ORG!

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Author : https://www.udemy.com/course/c-programming-for-beginners-/

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