Complete Web & Mobile Designer in 2023: UI/UX, Figma, +more

With our thorough free video course on “Complete Web & Mobile Designer in 2023,” you may open the doors to the world of modern online and mobile design. This educational trip was designed just for you, whether you’re a design novice or an experienced designer looking to improve your skills.

Explore over 30 hours of carefully designed video content to learn the latest UI/UX ideas, how to use Figma, and much more. You will study design basis through an exciting program and interactive activities, as well as how to use cutting-edge tools to realize your unique thoughts.

Our curriculum is carefully planned out to make sure you fully understand each idea. Each module brings you one step closer to being a design genius, from mastering color theory to knowing how users think. Additionally, you will explore the nuances of Figma, a potent platform for collaborative creation, and discover how to convert concepts into pixel-perfect objects.

Each module is a carefully built step toward mastering design. Each step you take toward design mastery, from mastering the intricacies of color theory to digging deeply into user psychology. In addition, the course offers an in-depth study of Figma, a significant platform for collaborative creation. You’ll discover how to convert conceptual concepts into perfectly accurate digital realities.

What you’ll learn

  • Craft Stunning Web and Mobile Projects: Develop captivating web and mobile projects using cutting-edge tools employed by leading 2023 companies.
  • Unlock Career Opportunities: Secure positions as a sought-after Designer or establish yourself as a flexible freelancer capable of catering to diverse clients. The demand for designers is soaring!
  • Access 100+ Premium Assets: Benefit from over 100 premium design assets and templates, yours to keep and personalize for all future undertakings.
  • Mastery of Figma and Conversion Skills: Attain proficiency in Figma for your design requirements, then progress to converting your creations into live HTML and CSS websites.
  • Receive a Tailored Portfolio: By the course’s conclusion, a professionally tailored and ready-to-show design portfolio will be provided to you, enhancing your presentation to potential clients or employers.
  • From Concept to High Fidelity Designs: Master the complete journey from initial sketches to fully-fledged, impressive high fidelity designs that are sure to captivate clients.
  • Multi-Device Design Expertise: Acquire skills to design for a diverse range of devices using Figma and other tools endorsed by top global designers.
  • Transform Designs into Functioning Websites: Harness the power of HTML5 and CSS3 to bring your designs to life, creating fully operational websites.
  • Industry Best Practices: Fast-track your learning curve with industry best practices that typically take years to accumulate within the design domain.
  • Professional Branding Solutions: Learn to craft professional logos and make astute design decisions for all branding requirements.
  • Master UI/UX with Latest Trends: Explore UI/UX best practices utilizing the latest industry trends to create designs that resonate with contemporary audiences.
  • Designer and Web Developer Fusion: Acquire the rare combination of skills that combines designer prowess with web development expertise, a profile highly coveted in today’s market.

Course Content of Complete Web & Mobile Designer

1. Introduction of Complete Web & Mobile Designer

  • Course Outline
  • Join Our Online Classroom!
  • Exercise: Meet Your Classmates & Instructor
  • Meeting The Client
  • The 2 Paths
  • Exercise: Building Your Logo
  • Design Resources
  • Designer vs Developer
  • Skills To Be A Top Designer
  • ZTM Resources
  • Monthly Coding Challenges, Free Resources and Guides

2. Sketching

  • Getting Ready For This Section
  • Introduction To Sketching
  • The Sketching Process
  • Sketching User Flows
  • Sketching User Flows 2
  • Sketching User Flows 3
  • Sketching User Flows 4
  • Sketching Tips

3. Inspiration

  • How To Stay Inspired
  • How To Find Inspiration

4. Figma Basics

  • Resources
  • Introduction
  • Plans and Signup
  • Where to Use Figma
  • Eigma Ul — Structure
  • Eigma_u_
  • _ Files
  • Eigma Ul — Toolbar
  • Figma Ul — Left Sidebar
  • Figma Ul — Right Sidebar
  • Shapes and Tools — Frames
  • Shapes and Tools — Groups
  • Shapes and Tools — Basic Shapes and Boolean Operations
  • Designing in Figma — Images
  • Designing in Figma — Getting Started with Text
  • Designing in Figma — Constraints
  • Designing in Figma — Using Auto Layout
  • Designing in Figma — Auto Layout Properties
  • Resources and Collaboration — Community Files
  • Resources and Collaboration
  • Community Plugins
  • Resources and Collaboration — Sharing and Comments
  • project
  • What We Are Going to Build?
  • project
  • Creating a Logo Using Basic Shapes
  • Project — Auto Layout Buttons
  • Project — Creating a Responsive Navigation
  • project
  • Responsive Text
  • project
  • Imagery and Gradients
  • Project — Strokes and Shapes
  • Project — Layout and Responsiveness

5. User Flows

  • Getting Ready For This Section
  • User Flows Explained
  • The DOs and DON’Ts
  • What We Are Going To Build
  • Reusable User Flow Assets
  • User Flows in Figma — Onboarding
  • User Flows in Figma — Search

6. Sitemaps of Complete Web & Mobile Designer

  • Getting Ready For This Section
  • Introduction To Sitemaps
  • Creating A Basic Sitemap
  • What We Will Learn
  • Reusable Sitemap Assets
  • Figma Check In — Basic Components and Variants
  • Sitemaps in Figma — The Top Layer
  • Sitemaps in Figma — Digging Deeper
  • Sitemaps in Figma — Digging Deeper Cont.
  • Tips for Creating Great Sitemaps

7. Wireframes

  • Getting Ready For This Section
  • What Is A Wireframe?
  • How To Create A Wireframe
  • What We Will Learn
  • Figma Check In — Basic Button Component
  • Figma Check In — Variants
  • How to Use Our Wireframe Components
  • Wireframes — Home
  • Wireframes — Cart
  • Wireframes — Profile

8. Prototyping

  • Getting Ready For This Section
  • What We Will Learn
  • Figma Check In — Prototyping in Figma
  • Prototyping in Figma — Flows and Starting Points
  • Prototyping in Figma — Connections
  • Prototyping in Figma — Interactions
  • Prototyping in Figma — Animations
  • Prototyping in Figma — Prototype Settings
  • Prototyping in Figma — Prototype Presentation
  • Project — Navigation
  • Project — Removing an Item from Your Wishlist
  • project
  • — Finding a Product
  • Exercise: Imposter Syndrome

9. Feedback

  • Why Is Feedback Important?
  • Constructive Feedback

10. Spacing and Grids Complete Web & Mobile Designer

  • Getting Ready For This Section
  • What Is A Grid?
  • Grid Basics
  • What We Will Learn
  • Figma Check In — Fixed and Fluid Grids
  • Figma Check In — Breakpoints
  • Figma Check In — Grid Style
  • Project — Mobile Layout Grid
  • Project — Desktop Layout Grids
  • Simple Rules to Follow

11. Typography

  • Getting Ready For This Section
  • Serifs
  • Sans Serifs
  • Display & Mono
  • Picking Typefaces
  • What We Will Learn
  • Figma Check In — Text Properties
  • Exercise — Elevating a Brand
  • Exercise — Typeface Scenarios
  • Exercise — Google Fonts
  • project
  • Typeface Exploration
  • project
  • Pairing Font Families
  • Project — Headings, Body and Labels
  • Project — Typeface System
  • Figma Check In — Text Styles

12. Color

  • Getting Ready For This Section
  • Color Schemes
  • Important Questions To Ask
  • Creating Color Palettes
  • What We Will Learn
  • Figma Check In — Paints
  • Exercise — Expanding Upon a Strict Color Palette
  • Exercise — Creating a Color Palette
  • Figma Check In — Color Styles
  • Exercise — Using Color Styles
  • Project — Accents
  • project
  • Primary and Neutrals

13. Imagery and Iconography

  • Getting Ready For This Section
  • Visual Assets Introduction
  • What We Will Learn
  • Figma Check In — Image Plugins
  • Figma Check In — Image Styles
  • Figma Check In — Masks
  • Exercise — Image Exploration
  • Exercise — Text and Imagery Working Together
  • Figma Check In — Illustration Plugins
  • Exercise — Adding illustrations to your designs
  • Figma Check In — Icon Plugins
  • Figma Check In — Pen Tool
  • Exercise — Custom Icons with the Pen Tool

14. Forms and Ul Elements

  • Getting Ready For This Section
  • What Are Forms + IJI Elements?
  • What We Will Learn
  • Best Practices — Forms
  • Best Practices — Basic and Advanced Inputs
  • Best Practices — Inputs
  • Best Practices — Buttons
  • Figma Check In — Component Properties
  • Properties vs. Variants
  • Figma Check In — Button Component Properties
  • Figma Check In — Button Variants
  • Figma Check In — Combining Components
  • Figma Check In — Form Component Possibilities
  • project —
  • Registration Flow Part 1
  • Project — Registration Flow Part 2
  • Project — Registration Flow Part 3

15. Accessibility

  • Getting Ready For This Section
  • What Is Accessibility?
  • Assistive Technologies
  • Visual Patterns For Accessibility
  • Tools To Make Your Design Accessible
  • Visual Patterns For Accessibility Part 2

16. Design Patterns

  • What Are Design Patterns?
  • Why Are Design Patterns Valuable?
  • How To Apply Design Patterns
  • Analyzing Design Patterns
  • Dissecting And Choosing Design Patterns

17. Mobile Design

  • Mobile Design Best Practices Part 1
  • Mobile Design Best Practices Part 2

18. Visual Style and Exploration

  • Getting Ready For This Section
  • What We Will Learn
  • Design Fidelity
  • Visual Exploration — Navigation
  • Visual Exploration — Buttons
  • Figma Check In — Effect Styles
  • Visual Exploration — Product Cards
  • Visual Exploration — Text Cards
  • Screen Design — Product Page
  • Screen Design
  • Home

19. Motion and Microinteractions

  • Getting Ready For This Section
  • The Importance Of Motion
  • What Is A Microinteraction?
  • Why Microinteractions Are Important?
  • What We Will Learn
  • Figma Check In — Intro to Smart Animate
  • Figma Check In — Smart Animate Properties
  • Exercise — Parallax
  • Exercise — New Message
  • Exercise — Overlays
  • Figma Check In — Interactive Components
  • Exercise — Interactive Buttons
  • project —
  • Parallax Welcome Screen
  • Project — Drag Onboarding
  • Project — Cad Overlay
  • project —
  • Button Microinteraction

20. Design Systems

  • Getting Ready For This Section
  • What We Will Learn
  • Foundational Styles and Components vs. Product Specific
  • Components
  • Building Fidelity and Organizing Potential Components and
  • Styles
  • Foundational Styles and Components
  • Components — Buttons
  • Components — Cards
  • Components — Headers
  • Components — Inputs
  • Components — List Items
  • Components — Navigation
  • Components — Misc. Elements

21. Execution

  • Getting Ready For This Section
  • What We Will Learn
  • Working Towards Our Final Designs
  • Execution — Introduction Screen
  • Execution — Onboarding Screens
  • Execution — Registration Screens
  • Execution — Home Screen
  • Execution — Wishlist Screens
  • Execution — Profile Screen
  • Execution — Cart and Checkout
  • Prototypes
  • Registration
  • Prototypes — Adding to Cart
  • Prototypes — Checkout
  • Prototypes — Lottie Files Plugin
  • Prototypes — Search and Filters

22. Working With A Client Revisited

  • Getting Ready For This Section
  • The Product Alignment Canvas
  • Project Goals
  • Target Users
  • User Journey Map
  • Risky Assumptions
  • What is a User Story Map?
  • Creating a User Story Map

23. Where To Go From Here?

  • Is Bruno Happy?
  • Project Handoff
  • Next Step: Project Handoff
  • Thank You!
  • Learning Guideline
  • Become An Alumni
  • LinkedIn Endorsements
  • Course Review
  • The Final Challenge

24. Web Portfolio Complete Web & Mobile Designer

  • Getting Ready For This Section
  • How To Export And Place Designs
  • Content For Your Portfolio
  • Where To Host Your Web Portfolio

25. From Figma To Website: Building Our Landing Page

  • Quick Note: Upcoming Videos
  • Initial Setup – Figma Handoff
  • Build IJI – Adding Image Assets
  • Build Ul – Styling Image Assets

26. Extra: How The Internet Works

  • Quick Note: Upcoming Videos
  • Browsing the Web
  • Breaking Google
  • Exercise: Break Google Yourself
  • The Internet Backbone
  • Traceroute
  • Exercise: Running traceroute
  • What Does A Developer Do?
  • Web Developer Monthly

27. Extra: History Of The Web

  • WWW vs Internet
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • Developer History
  • Exercise: Adding CSS and JavaScript to Tim’s website
  • Optional Resource: More About the History of the Web

28. Extra: HTML 5

  • Build Your First Website
  • Resources: Your Text Editor
  • Quick Note About w3schools
  • How To Ask Questions
  • HTML Tags
  • HTML Tags 2
  • Self Closing HTML Tags
  • Anchor Tag
  • Q&A: index.html
  • Q&A: Relative vs Absolute Path
  • HTML Forms
  • HTML Forms 2
  • Submitting A Form
  • HTML Tags 3
  • HTML vs HTML 5
  • Copy A Website
  • HTML Challenge
  • HTML Lesson Files
  • Exercise: HTML Quiz
  • Optional Exercise: More HTML

29. Extra: CSS 3

  • Exercise Files: Code-Along
  • Your First CSS
  • CSS Properties
  • CSS Selectors
  • Optional Exercise: CSS Selectors
  • Text and Font
  • Images In CSS
  • Box Model
  • px vs em vs rem
  • Optional: px, EM, REM, 0/0, VW, and VH
  • Exercise: CSS Quiz
  • Critical Render Path
  • Exercise File: Code-Along Images
  • Flexbox
  • Optional Exercise: Flexbox Froggy
  • css 3
  • Optional Exercise: Mastering Transitions and Transforms
  • Responsive IJI
  • Image Gallery Files
  • Exercise: Robot Animation
  • Exercise: Robot Animation Starter Files
  • Solution: Robot Animation
  • Optional Exercise: CSS

30. Extra: Bootstrap, Templates, And Building Your Startup
Landing Page

  • Evolving Technology
  • Bootstrap Introduction
  • Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap 5 IJpdate
  • Exercise: Changing Versions
  • Bootstrap Grid
  • Free Resources For Our Project
  • Exercise: Startup Landing Page
  • Exercise: Startup Landing Page 2
  • Exercise: Startup Landing Page 3
  • Quick Note: The hr tag
  • Exercise: Startup Landing Page 4
  • Bootstrap 5.2+ Button Hover Update
  • Exercise: Startup Landing Page 5
  • Quick Note: Text Not Centered?
  • Quick Note: Mailchimp
  • Exercise: Adding Email Subscribe Form With MailChimp
  • Quick Note: Upcoming Videos
  • Exercise: Putting Your Website Online
  • Exercise: Putting Your Website Online 2
  • Quick Note: Upcoming Video
  • Using Templates
  • Resources for FREE Templates
  • Startup Landing Pages by Students

31. Extra: CSS Grid + CSS Layout

  • Section Overview
  • CSS Grid vs Flexbox vs Bootstrap
  • Quick Note: grid-gap to gap
  • CSS Grid 1
  • CSS Grid 2
  • CSS Grid 3
  • CSS Grid 4
  • CSS Grid 5
  • Optional Exercise: CSS Grid
  • Exercise: CSS Layout
  • Solution: Navigation Bar
  • Solution: Navigation Bar 2
  • Solution: Cover
  • Solution: Project Grid + Footer
  • Quick Note: Upcoming Video
  • Solution: Prettify
  • The Truth About CSS


  • Special Bonus Lecture

Requirements of Complete Web & Mobile Designer:

  • No previous experience is necessary
  • suitable for both novice and skilled designers
  • “From Nothing to Mastery” We lead you via fundamental principles and sophisticated methods.

Who this course is for:

  • Individuals who desire to expand on their current activities by launching their own independent Web or mobile design businesses.
  • Design Enthusiasts”: Individuals looking for job as designers in organizations with the intention of contributing their expertise to business endeavors.
  • Web and mobile developers are professionals in the development field who are keen to expand their skill set by learning practical design skills.
  • New designers that desire to work in a variety of industries as UI/UX designers, Web designers, or mobile designers.
  • Skill Enhancers: Anyone hoping to understand HTML5 and the newest CSS3 features, such Flexbox, CSS Grid, and CSS Variables.

Who should take this course?

Both beginner and expert designers who want to improve their web and mobile designs can take this course. For people who truly care about design and want to build great user experiences, it is the perfect place to start.

Is previous design experience required Complete Web & Mobile Designer?

No prior knowledge is required. We start with the fundamentals and work our way up to more complex topics so that students of all skill levels will profit from this course.

Why is Figma skill highlighted?

With its shared features and user-friendly interface, Figma has completely changed the way that designs are created Complete Web & Mobile Designer. Modern designers must master Figma because it offers quick design iteration and smooth teamwork.

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