Clean Architecture In .NET Core MVC[.NET 8] – Complete Guide

Embark on a comprehensive learning journey with our free video course, “Clean Architecture In .NET Core MVC[.NET 8] – Complete Guide,” available exclusively on With over 30 hours of in-depth video content, this course is designed to empower you with a thorough understanding of clean architecture principles within the .NET Core MVC framework.

Discover the nuances of clean design, an approach that encourages testability, scalability, and maintainability in your software projects, and unlock the potential of.NET 8. This instructional series offers a step-by-step method for grasping clean architecture concepts within the framework of.NET Core MVC, catering to both novice and experienced developers.

Whether you’re just starting your coding journey or seeking to enhance your development skills, this course provides a solid foundation and advanced insights into building robust, scalable, and maintainable software solutions. Elevate your expertise, boost your career prospects, and join a community of developers committed to excellence. Enroll now and empower yourself with the skills needed to architect clean and efficient software solutions in .NET Core MVC.

What You Will Gain from This Course:

  • Project Structure Mastery:
  • Acquire a deep understanding of the ASP.NET MVC Core (.NET 8) project structure.
  • Fundamental Proficiency:
  • Learn the essential fundamentals of ASP.NET MVC Core (.NET 8) to build a strong foundation.
  • Clean Architecture Expertise:
  • Explore Clean Architecture principles tailored for .NET 8, enhancing your development skills.
  • Entity Framework Integration:
  • Integrate Entity Framework seamlessly, including code-first migrations.
  • Payment Integration with Stripe:
  • Implement Stripe Payment integrations for secure and efficient transactions.
  • Database Access with Repository Pattern:
  • Utilize the Repository Pattern to access databases effectively.
  • Automated Database Migrations:
  • Automatically seed database migrations for streamlined development.
  • Effortless Website Deployment:
  • Learn to deploy your website on MyWindowsHosting effortlessly.
  • Dynamic Document Exports:
  • Create dynamic exports for PPT, PDF, and Word documents.
  • Chart Integration in .NET Core:
  • Implement charts seamlessly in your .NET Core applications.
  • Admin Dashboard Creation:
  • Develop an admin dashboard in the .NET framework for efficient management.
  • Custom .NET Identity Using MVC:
  • Dive into the creation of a custom .NET Identity using MVC, moving beyond Razor Class library limitations.

Course Content of Clean Architecture

1. Introduction

  • Welcome
  • What we will build?
  • What’s different in this course?
  • .NET-Cue-æadmap
  • More Content
  • Course overview
  • Prerequisites
  • Tools Needed
  • How to get help?
  • Project Resources
  • Clean Architecture
  • Create Project
  • Project File
  • Launch Settings
  • wwwroot and appsettings
  • Program class file
  • MVC Architecture
  • Routing Overview
  • Routing in Action
  • Default Views
  • IActionResult
  • Dependency$ection
  • Go easy!

2. Project Setup of Clean Architecture

  • Getting started with final project
  • Create project
  • Add to source control
  • Create Clean architecture Project
  • Create Villa Model
  • NuGet Packages for Entity Framework
  • Create Application Db Context
  • Add Connection String to Project
  • Register ApplicationDbContext to Program Class File
  • Create Database
  • Create Villa Table
  • Some details on Migrations in EF Core
  • Seed Data in Villa Table

3. Villa Model

  • Create Villa Controller and Retrieve All Villa
  • Add View for Villa List
  • Display Villa List on IJI
  • Clean Ul
  • Add Bootstrap Icons
  • Dark Bootstrap theme
  • Empty View for Create Villa
  • asp-for Tag Helper and Forms
  • Create Villa IJI
  • Display Data Annotation
  • Create first Villa
  • Server Side Validation
  • More Data Annotations
  • Custom Model Validation
  • Binding Model Error to a Property
  • Client Side Validation

4. Villa CRUD Clean Architecture

  • Edit and Delete buttons in Ul
  • Get Action Method for Update Villa
  • Update Villa IJI
  • Multiple ways to retrieve in EF Core
  • Not Found Page
  • Update in Action
  • Delete Villa IJI
  • Delete in Action

5. Notifications

  • Temp Data Notifications
  • Toastr in Project
  • Partial Views
  • Scoped CSS
  • Global using statements

6. Villa Number

  • Create Villa Number Table and Seed Records
  • List all Villa Number
  • Villa Number Create View
  • Remove Some ModelState Validations
  • Projects to Get Select List Item
  • View Data
  • View Bag
  • View Models
  • Loading Navigation Properties
  • Assignment
  • Assignment 1 Solution – Unique Villa Number
  • Update Villa Number IJI
  • Update Post in Action
  • Delete in Action
  • Clean Code Tip

7. Repository

  • Villa Repository Interface
  • Implement Villa Repository
  • Dependencies within Projects
  • Implement methods in Villa Repository
  • Implement Get and Get All in Repository
  • Using Villa Repository in Controller
  • Generic Repository
  • Generic Repository in Action
  • UnitOfWork Implementation
  • Unit of Work in Action
  • Assignment 2 – UnitOfWork with Villa Number
  • Assignment 2 Solution – UnitOfWork with Villa Number

8. Images and Villa

  • 1 Add Form File in Villa Model
  • 2 Handle Image Upload Part 1
  • 3 Upload Image in Action
  • 4 Display Image in Upload IJI
  • 5 Handle Image in Update Villa
  • 6 Solving Bug
  • 7 Remove Image on Villa Delete

9. Amenity

  • 1 Assignment Question
  • 2 Create Amenity Model
  • 3 Create Amenity Table
  • 4 Amenity Repository
  • 5 Amenity Controller
  • 6 Amenity List
  • 7 Amenity CRUD

10. Home Page

  • 1 Add Dropdown in Navbar
  • 2 Home View Model
  • 3 Index Action Home Controller
  • 4 Load Villa Amenity
  • 5 Home Page IJI
  • 6 Bind Home VM
  • 7 Home IJI – Display all Villa
  • 8 Dynamic Modal ID
  • 9 Villa Details Modal
  • 10 Assignment 4 – Partial View
  • 11 Assignment 4 Solution – Partial View

11. .NET Identity

  • 1 Add Identity to the Application
  • 2 Create Identity Tables
  • 3 Add more columns to Users Table
  • 4 Login and Register VM
  • 5 Add Login and Register Link in NavBar
  • 6 Add Account Controller and Inject Helper Dependencies
  • 7 Login Get Action
  • 8 Login IJI
  • 9 Add Roles in the Table
  • 10 Retrieve Roles in Dropdown
  • 11 Say NO to Magic Strings
  • 12 Register Post Endpoint
  • 13 Login Post Endpoint
  • 14 Register in Action
  • 15 Check if user is signed in
  • 16 Logout in Action
  • 17 Access Denied Ul
  • 18 Authorization with Roles
  • 19 Configuring Application Cookie
  • 20 Modify Default Password Requirements
  • 21 Assignment 5 – Return URL
  • 22 Assignment 5 Solution – Return URL

12. Villa Availability

  • 1 Add Villa Availability
  • 2 Show availability only in future
  • 3 Move Villa List to Partial View
  • 4 Reload Partial View without refreshing page
  • 5 Without unobtrusive library
  • 6 Spinner in Action

13. Booking

  • 1 Create Booking Model
  • 2 Create Booking Table and Booking Repository
  • 3 Get Action Finalize Booking
  • 4 Clean Up
  • 5 Call Finalize Booking Action
  • 6 Finalize Booking Dynamic IJI
  • 7 Add Application User Repository
  • 8 Load user details
  • 9 Booking Status
  • 10 Finalize Booking POST
  • 11 Solve Bugs with Finalize Booking
  • 12 How stripe payment works
  • 12 More Methods in Booking Repository
  • 14 Get Stripe Keys
  • 15 Add Stripe Keys and Nuget Package
  • 16 Create Session in Stripe
  • 17 Stripe in Action
  • 18 Stripe Payment Intent ld

14. Manage Bookings

  • 1 Empty Booking List IJI
  • 2 Endpoint for Data Table
  • 3 Data Tables
  • 4 Data Tables in Depth maybe add 2 parts.
  • 5 Status on Booking List
  • 6 Make selected status active
  • 7 Status filter in action
  • 8 Booking Details Action Method
  • 9 Make booking details dynamic
  • 10 Booking Details based on Role
  • 11 Booking Availability
  • 12 Booking Availability Part 2
  • 13 Availability in Action
  • 14 Add Villa Number on Updating Status
  • 15 Populating Available Villa Number Dropdown
  • 16 Display Available Room Number Dropdown
  • 17 Check In Post Endpoint
  • 18 Checkout and Cancel Endpoints
  • 19 Update Status in Action
  • 20 Check availability before placing order
  • 21 Customer Bookings View

15. Role based Ul

  • 1 Redirect based on Role
  • 2 Different Layout for Admin
  • 3 Add Side Navigation for Admin Layout
  • 4 Style Updates

16. Charts

  • 1 Add Apex Charts to the Project
  • 2 Dashboard Overview
  • 3 RadialBarChart VM
  • 4 Endpoint for Loading Bookings Data
  • 5 Endpoint for Total Booking Radial Chan Functional
  • 6 IJI for Total Bookings Chart
  • 7 Load Dashboard Total Bookings Data
  • 8 Radial Chart in Action
  • 9 Styling Radial Chart
  • 10 Better Code Design
  • 11 Custom Color for Radial Chart
  • 12 Endpoint for Registered User Count
  • 13 Revenue Radial Chart Endpoint
  • 14 IJI for Charts
  • 15 Radial Charts in Action
  • 16 Pie Chan VM
  • 17 IJI for Pie Chan
  • 18 Endpoint for Pie Chart Action
  • 19 Pie chart in action
  • 20 Line Chart View Model
  • 21 Retrieve Data for Line Chart Pan 1
  • 22 Retrieve Data for Line Chart Part 2
  • 23 Line Chart Part 1
  • 24 Line Chart Part 2

17. Exports

  • 1 As Not Tracking in EF Core
  • 2 Add Syncfusion to Project
  • 3 Button for Generating Invoice
  • 4 Word Document Download
  • 5 Load other properties in Word File
  • 6 Inserting Table in Word Document
  • 7 Add Custom Styling to Table
  • 8 Pdf Export
  • 9 Add Row to Table
  • 10 Add Download PPT button
  • 11 Download PPT
  • 12 Amenity List in Export
  • 13 Image in PPT

18. Dashboard Service and Dblnitializer

  • 1 Add Dashboard Service and move DTOs
  • 2 Dashboard Service Methods
  • 3 Solve Error with Dependency
  • 4 Db Initializer Setup
  • 5 Db Initializer in Action

19. Deployment

  • O Downgrade to net 7
  • 1 Hosting .NET application
  • 2 Deploy to My Windows Hosting
  • 3 Add domain name and SSL certificate

20. Clean Architecture Structuring

  • Create Villa Service Interface
  • Villa Service in Action
  • Account Controller
  • VillaNumber Service
  • Villa Number in Action
  • Home Controller with Services
  • Assignment – Amenity Service
  • Booking Interface Pan 1
  • Booking Service Implementation
  • Booking Controller
  • Fix Booking Controller
  • Booking Service in Action

Requirements for the Course:

  • A minimum of 6 months familiarity with C# and SQL is recommended.
  • Software:
  • Ensure you have Visual Studio 2022 installed on your system.
  • Database Management:
  • SQL Server Management Studio is required for hands-on exercises and practical learning.

Who Should Enroll in This Course:

  • Aspiring Developers:
  • Ideal for individuals eager to grasp the fundamentals of ASP.NET Core MVC (.NET 8).
  • File Structure Explorers:
  • Suited for those seeking an understanding of the new file structure in ASP.NET Core (.NET 8).
  • Application Creators:
  • Perfect for anyone aiming to create a basic CRUD operation application using ASP.NET MVC Core (.NET 8).
  • Clean Architecture Enthusiasts:
  • Tailored for individuals keen on learning Clean Architecture in the context of .NET 8.
  • This course caters to a diverse audience, providing valuable insights and hands-on skills for various levels of expertise.

What is the duration of the course?

The course spans over 30+ hours, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of Clean Architecture in .NET Core MVC[.NET 8].

Is this course suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! Whether you’re a novice or an experienced developer, our educational content is tailored to accommodate learners of all levels.

How can I access the course on

Simply visit and navigate to the “Clean Architecture In .NET Core MVC[.NET 8] – Complete Guide” course to start your educational journey.

Free now for an educational experience that empowers you to create efficient, scalable, and maintainable applications.

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